Friday, September 13, 2024
For toddlers and older children: playgrounds and equipment

For toddlers and older children: playgrounds and equipment

Children’s play complexes are especially convenient because they have everything you need for sports, games, and recreation. Children’s sports and gaming equipment allows you to create even in a small area a lot of game locations where children can unleash their imagination and come up with a lot of entertainment. The complex can be installed on almost any site in the house, near a school, kindergarten or in a residential courtyard.

Safe materials are used for the production of complexes – […]

Popular sports equipment for schools and kindergartens

Popular sports equipment for schools and kindergartens

Childhood and physical activity are inseparable concepts, because children have more than enough energy, they are constantly running somewhere, jumping, dancing, playing. Of course, just running and jumping quickly gets boring, and the child begins to wail that he is bored, because energy needs to be directed somewhere. This is exactly what sports equipment was created for – outdoor games, interesting exercises, competitions with peers make sports and play one whole, providing two needs at once – in movement and […]

Other features when choosing a section for a child

Other features when choosing a section for a child

Let’s define that physical education and sports are not the same thing. Studying for yourself or studying for medals are completely different things. What these two concepts of “physical education” and “sport” have in common is what means are used for this, mainly physical exercises and games.

They differ in setting goals: they do physical education to be healthy, and sports – for the sake of achievements, results, victories. Physical education is aimed at correcting physical deficiencies, and sports is aimed […]

Group or individual: which workouts are more effective?

Group or individual: which workouts are more effective?

Thinking about going to the fitness room, a person will have to choose not only a sports hobby, but also a training format.

Advantages of individual lessons with a trainer

For those who have never played sports, help in the gym is useful, especially when working on simulators. A personal instructor controls the process and technique of performing exercises, selects a program, and even gives recommendations on nutrition.

Advantages of personal classes:

low chance of injury — the instructor monitors how you perform approaches;

high […]