Friday, September 13, 2024
Rubber coating: safety first

Rubber coating: safety first

Children play, run, jump and, of course, often fall – this is normal, so they gradually learn dexterity, study the capabilities of the body and develop coordination through trial and error. The main thing is that such falls do not go beyond the usual scratches and abrasions, which are natural in active childhood.

To make it safe to fall while running or from the horizontal bars, we offer a special rubber coating – it is dense and durable, but at the […]

Winter is a great time for sports together with Alfasport

Winter is a great time for sports together with Alfasport

The coming cold weather and imminent snowfalls are not at all a reason to give up sports and activity. On the contrary, it’s time to move more, breathe fresh clean air and enjoy the time before your favorite holidays! Today we will tell you about what products we can offer for winter time to spend it with benefit and pleasure!

Simulator for preparing skiers for the winter season

Skiing is one of the favorite national sports, both children and elderly people go […]



Choosing a sports section for a child How to choose a sports section for children? It seems to be not the most difficult question. Adults who think where to send their children to play sports often decide it based on their own taste and their unrealized desires. However, parents should be aware that they choose the section for the child, which means, first of all, they should focus on his abilities and capabilities.

The most important thing is not to rush. […]

What if the child doesn’t like the section

What if the child doesn’t like the section

What should I do if the child returned disappointed after the first lesson and flatly refuses further education? To begin with, you should think about whether the choice of the sports section was due to any unsatisfied ambitions. Maybe parents have always wanted to do gymnastics, but something else is closer to the child? It can be quite difficult to admit this to yourself. Practice shows that parents often try to realize themselves in the child. Dad, who dreamed of […]

BELLY DANCE and its benefits for a woman’s health

BELLY DANCE and its benefits for a woman’s health

Dance comes from the East, which strengthens muscles, has a beneficial effect on internal organs, increases self—confidence and sexuality – this is Belly dance. An exotic and popular trend in the fitness industry, which has no age restrictions: little girls, young girls and adult women are engaged in it.

How is it useful?

Bellidance is boldly called cardio training: the heartbeat increases, and women expend a large number of calories. In combination with proper nutrition, regular classes and other aerobic or strength […]