Thursday, February 13, 2025


Choosing a sports section for a child How to choose a sports section for children? It seems to be not the most difficult question. Adults who think where to send their children to play sports often decide it based on their own taste and their unrealized desires. However, parents should be aware that they choose the section for the child, which means, first of all, they should focus on his abilities and capabilities.

The most important thing is not to rush. […]

Recommendations for choosing a sports section for a child

Recommendations for choosing a sports section for a child

First of all, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the children themselves. It is necessary to evaluate the child as objectively as possible. The child’s predisposition to a particular sport is best seen in the range from 5 to 7 years. Of course, it is possible to give the baby to the section earlier, but this is not a more reliable choice.

The global task is to maximize the use of children’s natural data.

For example, a child is overweight, […]

Other features when choosing a section for a child

Other features when choosing a section for a child

Let’s define that physical education and sports are not the same thing. Studying for yourself or studying for medals are completely different things. What these two concepts of “physical education” and “sport” have in common is what means are used for this, mainly physical exercises and games.

They differ in setting goals: they do physical education to be healthy, and sports – for the sake of achievements, results, victories. Physical education is aimed at correcting physical deficiencies, and sports is aimed […]

What if the child doesn’t like the section

What if the child doesn’t like the section

What should I do if the child returned disappointed after the first lesson and flatly refuses further education? To begin with, you should think about whether the choice of the sports section was due to any unsatisfied ambitions. Maybe parents have always wanted to do gymnastics, but something else is closer to the child? It can be quite difficult to admit this to yourself. Practice shows that parents often try to realize themselves in the child. Dad, who dreamed of […]